• Introduction:
    • The Comeback Initiative Network is a dedicated organization committed to supporting ex-offenders and their families during the reintegration process.
    • Our mission is to ensure that every individual has the opportunity for a second chance and a brighter future.
  • Expertise and Services:
    • With expertise in mentorship, advocacy, and prison reform, we offer guidance and assistance to individuals seeking a successful transition back into society.
    • Our comprehensive approach involves identifying key resources, providing informative consultations, and facilitating communication between families and institutions.
    • We also assist loved ones of incarcerated individuals who face challenges and are looking for satisfactory solutions.
  • Fees and Time Tracking:
    • We charge an hourly rate for our services, which varies depending on the individual's needs and the scope of services required.
    • We use a time tracking system to accurately track the hours spent on each service, and clients will receive a detailed breakdown of the hours spent on each service and associated costs.